
CoDev Exec Director Testifies to Citizenship and Immigration Committee

Last December, CoDev Executive Director Steve Stewart, in his capacity of Co-Chair of the Americas Policy Group (a national coalition of organizations working for human rights and development in the Americas) testified to  the Canadian Parliament's immigration committee on the causes of forced migration from Central America. We recently discovered  an online transcript of his presentation and, since the conditions leading to forced migration from the region have only worsened since last December, we share it here.

Mr. Steve Stewart (Co-Chair, Americas Policy Group, Canadian Council for International Co-operation) at the Citizenship and Immigration Committee

December 4th, 2018 / 3:45 p.m.


Thank you. I'll first tell you very briefly about our organization. I'm here as the co-chair of the Americas policy group. It's a national coalition of 32 Canadian organizations that work on human rights and development in the Americas.

While some of our member organizations, such as Amnesty International, work directly on migration, most of our work is done directly in the countries of Latin America. The majority of our members focus on three regions: Mexico, Central America and Colombia.

Given that we have a fairly limited time for the presentation, I'm only going to touch very briefly on Colombia and Mexico and focus primarily on the Central American countries, particularly Guatemala and Honduras, because I believe that's the area where Canadian policy can play a role.

The focus in this presentation is primarily on the conditions that lead to migration. I think the speaker who preceded me did an excellent job of covering that, so I may jump over some of my points.

Colombia has the highest number of internally displaced people in the world after Syria, with 6.5 million people who are displaced. Despite the demobilization of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia last year and an end to that part of the war, violence and displacement continue. In 2017, violence in the country generated another 139,000 displacements, according to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre. Although sometimes we have the impression that there is peace in Colombia, violence is still generating large numbers of internally displaced people.

There are a number of factors behind these displacements. They're common through all of the countries I'm referring to here. They are the impacts of free trade, extractivism, the drug trade, corruption and organized crime. It's exacerbated, as the previous speaker mentioned, by climate change. In Mexico—and I think you've probably heard these statistics before—large numbers of displacement and violence coincided with the launching of the drug war in 2006, with a total of some 250,000 people believed to have been killed between the launching of the war and last year, while another 37,000 people have been forcibly disappeared.

In Colombia and Mexico, it's not uncommon for local government and security forces to act in collusion with organized crime, but it's in the Central American countries, in particular Guatemala and Honduras, where these networks have also deeply penetrated the national state. Organized crime operates on a number of levels in Honduras and Guatemala, ranging up from the street gangs that you've heard about in earlier testimonies, such as the Mara 18 and the Salvatruchas, who control both urban neighbourhoods and also a number of rural areas in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, often serving as the foot soldiers for more sophisticated criminal networks involved with drug trafficking, but also involved with graft in a large scale at the state level, and sometimes providing security to transnational corporations operating in these countries.

I'm not going to go in depth on statistics, but some rather stark examples have come up recently with the arrest last week of the brother of the Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández on cocaine smuggling charges, and then just last year Fabio Lobo, the son of the former president, Porfirio Lobo, was sentenced to 24 years after being convicted in U.S. courts on similar charges. In both of these cases, testimony indicates that the Honduran presidents were aware of these activities and, at the very least, did nothing.

However, the Honduran government's involvement in organized crime goes beyond links to drug smuggling. De facto President Juan Orlando Hernández, in his previous term, was forced to admit that his party looted the national public health and social security system to fund his 2013 electoral campaign.

We find similar cases in neighbouring Guatemala. In 2015, the president, vice-president and most of his cabinet were forced to resign and were indicted on corruption charges after investigations by the United Nations' international commission against impunity, CICIG, revealed a vast organized crime network within the Guatemalan state.

The president that succeeded him, current president Jimmy Morales, is now also under investigation. In recent times, though, his administration has taken steps to block the effective work of the UN body by preventing its director from entering the country.

The penetration of organized crime into government and state institutions takes place in the context of economic and ecological shifts in the region that are generating significant internal displacement. There are many different factors linked to that, which I mentioned previously.

In the Colombian case, the influx of low-priced basic grains that followed the signing of free trade agreements with North America and Europe in the past 25 years has reduced local food production and made it much more difficult for rural families to earn a living growing basic foods. This is combined with new unpredictability related to climate change, and pressure on farming communities from the expanding agro-industrial frontier—primarily sugar cane and African palm, which is, ironically, often used for the creation of biofuels.

These serve to drive the farmers from the land, either to marginalized communities in surrounding urban areas, or to take the long and dangerous migrant trek.

I know I'm running out of time already—Click here for the full transcript and questions.

Message from CoDev's newest partner "Totlahtol Yoltok" in Veracruz, Mexico


In January 2017, a collective of Mexican indigenous educators in Veracruz began a new project supported by CoDev and the BC Teachers Federation, Aimed at strengthening indigenous education in the  Nahuatl speaking communities of the Altas Montañas region. We share with you a message from Lucia Morales,  coordinator of the Totlahtol Yoltok ("Our Living Word") project:

The Painted Angels of Ciudad Juárez

Local artists in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico have found a profound and beautiful way to pay tribute to the lives of missing women from their city. Painting their images in murals.The project entitled, Luchando Hasta Encontrarlas (Fighting Until We Find Them), is run by the mothers (and other members) of the missing and presumed murdered women. They work with local artists to have their daughters’ images rendered in murals so that they can never be forgotten. Many of these missing cases are linked to human and sex trafficking as well as the epidemic gang violence that exists in that region. Since 1993, more than 430 women have been killed or disappeared. According to the National Citizen Femicide Obervatory, “at least 6 women are targeted every day in Mexico.”Mexico muralIn a show of solidarity many public buildings, churches, businesses, etc. have donated their outer walls to be used as canvases. The families work with the artists, and in some cases, assist in painting the murals. The goal of the project is to paint 200 of these colourful tributes across Ciudad Juárez so that no one in the city can ever forget the tragedy of these lost women.One such artist, Maclovio Macias put his well-honed graffiti skills to use painting the murals. His inspiration came from participating in a 200-mile march alongside the many mothers whose daughters disappeared. His first mural depicted a group of mothers and daughters from this march and was painted on the back wall of a school in a busy intersection of the city. This past summer, in an act of pure disregard for the missing and their families, this precious homage to the disappeared was painted over with white paint. Could it have been the school’s doing? A group of mothers is trying to have a meeting with the school directors to try ask questions and hopefully learn the truth.No other theories have presented themselves and no one has come forward to claim responsibility. An initial report indicated that the municipal government ordered the repainting, but this has never been confirmed. One mother lamented upon hearing the news of the repainting, that her daughter Luz Angelica whose image appeared in the repainted mural, was taken from her a second time.Maclovio vows to repaint the mural and return the faces of the missing to their mothers, families and communities. These murals are a living legacy and reminder of what has been lost. They deserve to be seen and protected.

Action urgente après l’assassinat d’une militante écologiste au Honduras

Un témoin de l’assassinat de la militante écologiste et autochtone hondurienne Berta Cáceres est retenu au Honduras

Les autorités canadiennes et honduriennes doivent agir

CoDevelopment Canada joins the many organizations expressing condemnation of the assassination of Berta Cáceres, general coordinator and co-founder of the National Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH).Berta CaceresCoDevelopment Canada joint sa voix à celles de plusieurs organisations qui condamnent ouvertement l’assassinat de Berta Cáceres, coordonnatrice générale et co-fondatrice du Conseil national des organismes populaires et autochtones du Honduras (le COPINH).Mme Cáceres a été assassinée à La Esperanza, dans le département d’Intibucá, le 3 mars. Des individus se sont introduits dans la maison qu’elle occupait et l’ont tuée par balle. Nous craignons vivement pour la sécurité de Gustavo Castro Soto, un collègue mexicain de Mme Cáceres, qui a été témoin de son assassinat et a survécu au drame. Il est actuellement détenu au Honduras.Gustavo Castro Soto, citoyen mexicain et collègue de l’organisation Otros Mundos Chiapas, a été témoin de l’assassinat de Mme Cáceres. M. Soto avait pleinement collaboré à tous les volets de l’enquête sur l’assassinat de Mme Cáceres. Le dimanche 6 mars, alors qu’il tentait de quitter le Honduras légalement avec la protection de l’ambassade du Mexique au Honduras, M. Soto a été arrêté et détenu par les autorités honduriennes à l’aéroport sous prétexte qu’il devait poursuivre son témoignage sans avis préalable. Les autorités honduriennes ont ensuite insisté pour que l’interrogatoire de M. Soto se poursuive au sein du département d’Intibucá plutôt qu’en lieu sûr à l’ambassade du Mexique à Tegucigalpa.Après avoir donné à M. Soto l’assurance verbale qu’il pourrait quitter le Honduras après Gustavo Castroavoir complété son témoignage, le procureur général hondurien a émis une alerte migratoire de 30 jours obligeant M. Soto de demeurer dans le pays, et ce, malgré qu’il avait déjà pleinement collaboré à l’enquête. Il faut savoir que le Mexique et le Honduras sont signataires d’un traité qui prévoit la coopération dans les enquêtes criminelles et en vertu duquel Gustavo aurait pu continuer de participer à l’enquête depuis le Mexique. Rien ne justifie qu’il soit retenu au Honduras, et il est urgent que les autorités honduriennes révoquent l’alerte migratoire dont il est l’objet et collaborent avec les autorités mexicaines pour assurer son retour sécuritaire au Mexique dès que possible.De plus, la famille de Berta ainsi que le COPINH dénoncent la manipulation de l’enquête menée sur l’assassinat, car, plutôt que d’interroger les personnes dont Bertha dénonçait les menaces et qui sont soupçonnées d’être des tueurs à gage, l’enquête est orientée de sorte à davantage persécuter et criminaliser le COPINH.CoDevelopment vous invite à signer les deux lettres ci-dessous. La première lettre demande au gouvernement du Canada de faire pression sur le gouvernement hondurien pour que soit révoquée l’alerte migratoire en vertu de laquelle Gustavo est retenu au Honduras et qu’il soit promptement retourné en toute sécurité au Mexique, d’insister pour que le gouvernement mexicain maintienne et renforce les mesures assurant le bien-être physique et psychologique de Gustavo au Honduras et son retour au Mexique sain et sauf, de demander la participation d’enquêteurs internationaux indépendants agissant de concert avec la Commission interaméricaine des droits de l’homme (CIDH) vu l’inefficacité du système judiciaire du Honduras et l’absence de volonté politique d’assurer une enquête complète et impartiale sur l’assassinat de Berta Cáceres.La deuxième lettre demande aux autorités honduriennes de lever l’alerte migratoire et de permettre à M. Soto de quitter le Honduras. On y demande également aux autorités mexicaines d’intensifier les pressions sur le gouvernement du Honduras pour que M. Soto soit autorisé à quitter le Honduras.[formidable id="63" title="1"][formidable id="61" title="1"]