Invitation to the May First Celebration in Havana
to May 4

Invitation to the May First Celebration in Havana

  • Google Calendar ICS

CoDev invites Canadian working people and Cuba's allies, especially union members, to participate in the celebration of May Day in Havana, April 28 to May 4, 2025.

Our partners on the Island have been working hard to resist the unjustified and cruel embargo imposed by the US government for more than six decades. The demonstration of International Solidarity is today more necessary than ever to respond to the upsurge of economic violence of the Trump administration against the Island and the countries that have not succumbed to the current ultra-right wave. Cubans' revolutionary legacy belongs not just to them but to everybody who struggles for sovereignty and justice.

View or save the flyer below for more details including the estimated cost.

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Annual Solidarity & Fundraising Dinner
5:00 p.m.17:00

Annual Solidarity & Fundraising Dinner

Solidarity, now more than ever!

CoDevelopment Canada invites you to join us
on Saturday, June 7, 2025, for OUR 40th
Annual Solidarity & Fundraising Dinner.

Stand with us as we celebrate 40 years of building partnerships between like-minded organizations in Canada and Latin America, partnerships that foster learning, social change, and community empowerment.

CoDev’s Annual Solidarity Dinner has earned a reputation as an evening where you can enjoy the company of good friends and have fun while supporting an important local solidarity organization. More info coming soon!

We are honoured to work with our partners, donors, and members and hope that you will continue to support us. Tables for ten guests are $950.00 each, and individual tickets are $100.00.Tax receipts provided.

We are always available to assist you with purchasing or paying for your ticket. Do not hesitate to reach out to us via email at or by phone at +1 (604) 708 1495. We are here to help you and would be glad to hear from you! 



We look forward to seeing you at the fundraising dinner and celebrating continued solidarity with Latin America!

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Holiday Party 2024
4:00 p.m.16:00

Holiday Party 2024

On December 3, 2024, we're gathering to celebrate another incredible year with friends and partners who share our commitment to social justice and public education. Join us for an evening filled with connection, laughter, and gratitude alongside our staff, volunteers, and board members as we honour the solidarity of our Canadian and Latin American partners.

Please confirm your attendance by clicking the button below.

Note: This event is exclusively for CoDev members.*

*Not member yet?

Please accompany us on our mission for social justice and global education in Latin America!

By contributing $40 annually, you will become a CoDev member and gain access to our member-only activities and events. As a member, you’re invited to attend our upcoming holiday party, a celebration to show our appreciation to our members, donors, volunteers, and partners. Click the button below to become a member today!

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CoDev's 2024 Annual General Meeting
6:00 p.m.18:00

CoDev's 2024 Annual General Meeting


It's a great opportunity to meet our dedicated staff and gain insights into the successes and challenges our partners in Latin America are facing.

This year's AGM will be held in person in Room 1A at the British Columbia Teachers Federation -

( 550 W 6th Ave #100, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4P2).

Soon, our members will receive the detailed agenda, registration information, voting information, and documentation.

CoDev members will elect new and returning board members, approve the 2023-2024 fiscal audited financial statements, and appoint auditors for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Click here if you're interested in becoming a member or renewing your membership to participate in the event and cast your vote.

We hope to see you there!

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Labour Day Celebration at Edmonds Park
11:30 a.m.11:30

Labour Day Celebration at Edmonds Park

Join us on Labour Day – September 2nd @ 11:30 am – Edmonds Park, Burnaby!!

Visit Cafe Etico's tent, chat with the CoDev directors, and taste our delicious, organic, fair-trade coffee!

There will be exciting speakers (starting at 11:30 am), bouncy castles, games and entertainment for kids, live music, food, union and community organization booths, and more!

Hosted by the Vancouver & District Labour Council and the New Westminster & District Labour Council.

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Annual Fundraising Dinner 2024
5:00 p.m.17:00

Annual Fundraising Dinner 2024

CoDevelopment Canada invites you to join us on Saturday, June 1, 2024, for CoDev’s Annual Solidarity and Fundraising Dinner!

Stand with us as we celebrate 39 years of building partnerships between like-minded organizations in Canada and Latin America, partnerships that foster learning, social change, and community empowerment.

The event will take place at the Maritime Labour Centre (1880 Triumph St., Vancouver), with doors opening at 5:00 pm.

CoDev’s Annual Solidarity Dinner has earned a reputation as an evening where you can enjoy the company of good friends and have fun while supporting an important local solidarity organization.

We are honoured to work with our partners, donors, and members and hope that you will continue to support us. Tables for ten guests are $950.00 each, and individual tickets are $100.00.



5:00  Doors open

Bar, dessert auction, and silent auction open

6:00  Territorial Acknowledgement

 Welcome by Carmen Aguirre and Lorna Wou

Draw ticket for DOOR PRIZE #1

6:20  Reading by Carmen Aguirre

6:30  Dinner served (buffet closes at 8:30)
7:30  2024 CoDev International Solidarity Award

Draw ticket for DOOR PRIZE #2 (for new CoDev   member sign-ups only!)

8:15  Dessert auction closes

8:40  Hermanos de Manos performance with Jack Duncan & Andre

9:00  Silent auction closes

DJ LaSalsomana opens the dance floor

10:00  Event closes


Tax receipts provided.

We are always available to assist you with purchasing or paying for your ticket. Do not hesitate to reach out to us via email at or by phone at +1 (604) 708 1495. We are here to help you and would be glad to hear from you! 

We look forward to seeing you at the fundraising dinner and celebrating continued solidarity with Latin America.

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Guatemala: Fair Trade, Land Reform and Mayan Resilience
5:30 p.m.17:30

Guatemala: Fair Trade, Land Reform and Mayan Resilience

  • SFU Harbour Centre Room #2270 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for an evening of connection and conversation, as we hear from Neydi Juracán, National Coordinator of the Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA) in Guatemala, who will be in B.C. as part of a three-week tour across the province.  Neydi is a young Kakchiquel Maya woman and the National Coordinator of Guatemala's Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA), which represents over 100,000 campesino (small farming) families.  The CCDA is a  major force in Guatemala's Indigenous-led struggle for land reform, food sovereignty, and cultural survival, and has built solidarity-based partnerships with peoples and organizations around the world. This event will speak to food knowledge keepers, international solidarity activists, student activists, community organizers, cultivators of international cooperation, those interested in joining the cross-border struggle for social, economic, and environmental justice, and those who are curious and open to learning.


Title: Guatemala: Fair Trade, Land Reform and Mayan Resilience

Date: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

Time: 5:30pm to 8pm

Location: SFU Harbour Centre Room #2270 - 555 W Hastings St, Vancouver

Cost: FREE

This event is funded by the British Columbia Council for International Cooperation's George Sisters Fellowship, hosted by the Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU) and co-organized by the British Columbia Council for International Cooperation (BCCIC) and CoDevelopment Canada.


Check out all the cities Neydi will visit during her British Columbia tour by clicking here

For more information about Neydi’s Tour, please contact or 604-708-1495


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CoDev's 6th International Solidarity Conference
9:00 a.m.09:00

CoDev's 6th International Solidarity Conference

CoDev’s International Solidarity Conference is back after four years!

At CoDev’s 6th International Solidarity Conference: Connecting Activists for Global Justice, on May 4th, 2024, unions and international solidarity activists will share, exchange, and strategize around movement-building, organizing, and international solidarity for local and global liberation.

Lunch and refreshments included.


When: Saturday, May 4th, 2024, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM (registration starts at 8:30 am)

Where: BCGEU Lower Mainland Area Office 2920 Virtual Way #130, Vancouver

Registration Fee: $60, including catered lunch and refreshments throughout the day.

Registration deadline: Sunday, April 28, 2024, 11:59 PM PT

Registration Contact: Jeffrey Cramer, CoDevelopment Canada,, 604-708-1495, ext. 5

special guest

Neydi Yassmine Juracán Morales

National Coordinator of the Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA) in Guatemala

Neydi is a Kakchiquel Maya woman and the National Coordinator of Guatemala's Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA), representing over 50,000 campesino (small farming) families. Neydi is the CCDA’s coffee program coordinator and the CCDA’s representative on the International Land Coalition, a global alliance of farmers and indigenous organizations. 

Neydi and her ancestors originate from the Altiplano (Highlands) of Guatemala. A participant of the Political Training School of the CCDA, Neydi has trained Indigenous youth in the Guatemalan departments of Quiche and Coban. In 2010, Neydi and her family fled Guatemala amidst death threats targeting her family for their political activism and temporarily resided in Vancouver, Canada.  While in Canada, Neydi engaged in public outreach to raise consciousness around Guatemala's political and social realities. Neydi has participated in a Small Farmer to Small Farmer Exchange, where she exchanged with other small farmers from around the world on food sovereignty and the defence and recovery of territory. More recently, Neydi participated as an alternative voice at COP28, where she centred the experiences of Indigenous Peoples and campesinos waging a struggle for food sovereignty and land defence and recovery.

 Neydi is a youth activist who plays a central role in Guatemala's Indigenous-led struggle for land defence, recuperation, and food sovereignty. Through her ongoing efforts to amplify the work, knowledge, and vision of the CCDA and of Indigenous-led social movements, more broadly, Neydi has demonstrated the capacity and commitment to building spaces and opportunities for learning, teaching, and exchange, as well as solidarity-based relationships between allied popular struggles across the globe. Neydi is a strong, informed, and engaging speaker and activist with a profile and expertise that resonates with land and water defenders, climate justice activists, food knowledge keepers, international solidarity activists, community organizers, cultivators of international cooperation, and those interested in lending to the struggle for social, economic, and environmental justice.

Just after midnight on January 15, 2024, Guatemala’s new anti-corruption president was inaugurated despite months of relentless political oppression preceded by almost five years of attacks waged against democratic institutions. The CCDA was one of many Indigenous-led organizations and governments that formed the frontline of the pro-democracy movement that pressed the outgoing administration to respect the vote of the people and Peoples and organized and mobilized to build international pressure to amplify the calls for a peaceful democratic transition.

About ISC 2024: Connecting Activists for Social Justice

We believe that international solidarity should be a core component of any union’s strategic plan to make the world a better place for workers.

Join other union members and representatives from local, provincial, and national union international solidarity and global justice committees to share experiences and practices and discuss new strategies for international solidarity work.

ISC 2024 will include interactive workshops, small-group discussions, keynote presentation, and panel around important themes, such as how to make international solidarity meaningful to your members and central to your union’s vision, engaging youth, planning action-oriented campaigns, and identifying where solidarity committees from different unions can collaborate.

ISC 2024 provides a space for more-experienced solidarity activists to share experiences and insight and continue learning, and for emerging solidarity activists to learn and share their perspectives and the ways in which they are advancing international solidarity work. Practical in scope, ISC 2024 is designed to equip participants with proven tools and concrete ideas for building international solidarity in their unions.

CoDev works to strengthen the community of union-based international solidarity activists in B.C. Please encourage your members and staff to participate in this exciting opportunity to acquire concrete tools for action. We look forward to seeing you there!

Event Programme:

8:30am       Registration

9am             Event  Opening

Group Activity

                      Panel: Building International Solidarity in the Labour Movement

  • Moderator: Larry Kuehn, former Director of International Solidarity and former President of the B.C. Teachers’ Federation

  • Panelist: Andrea Duncan, Co-Chair, International Solidarity Committee, B.C. General Employees’ Union

  • Panelist: Luc Allaire, Director of International Relations, Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) [Quebec Labour Congress]

  • Panelist: Trevor Davies, Secretary Treasurer, Canadian Union of Public Employees - B.C. (CUPE BC)

                      Small Group Discussions, Activity                                


                      Keynote: Neydi Juracan of the CCDA


                                            Catered Lunch and Networking

                    Workshop: Unionists as Internationalists: How to Build Class Consciousness in the Union for International Solidarity , facilitated by

  • Nadia Santoro, Organizer, Health Sciences Association of BC

  • Nadia Revelo, Director of Human and Labour Rights Program, CoDevelopment Canada


                 Workshop: Building Union Structures and Practices for Engaging Union Members Around  International Solidarity, facilitated by

  • Annie Ohana, International Solidarity Committee member, B.C. Teachers’ Federation

  • Karen Andrews, International Solidarity Committee member, B.C. Teachers’ Federation

                    Report back, campaign action, and next steps

4:30pm      Event Conclusion

*Detailed programme will be posted online and emailed to registrants in mid-April 2024

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 Solidarity Rallies with Santa Marta Water Defenders of El Salvador
4:00 p.m.16:00

Solidarity Rallies with Santa Marta Water Defenders of El Salvador

January 11th, 2024 will mark one year since 5 Water Defenders were arrested in Santa Marta, El Salvador.

We invite you to join us on January 10th to hear efforts for their release, raise your voice loudly for the dropping of charges and offer words of solidarity to the families and communities coping with the arrests.

Join a Rally near you on Wednesday, January 10, 2024:

Ottawa, 4 pm: Embassy of El Salvador, 209 Kent St.
Toronto, 4 pm: Consulate of El Salvador, 425 Bloor St. E.
Vancouver, 4 pm: Consulate of El Salvador, 1111 Melville St.


In March 2017, El Salvador became the first country to ban open-pit mining – a huge win in a David-versus-Goliath story! This ban was the culmination of more than a decade of struggle of the Salvadoran people to protect their small country and its precious water from attack by global mining companies.

Today, this ban is under threat. Communities are organizing once more after learning that the current government wants to resume mining in the country. Five human rights and water defenders who played a key role in the 2017 historic ban on metals mining were detained on January 11, 2023.

These arbitrary arrests are deeply concerning as they violate both El Salvador’s internationally-recognized Peace Agreement and the National Reconciliation Law, both signed in 1992. The five water defenders were FMLN combatants during the 1980-1992 civil war in El Salvador. Without credible evidence, they have been charged with murder, unlawful deprivation of liberty, and unlawful association – alleged crimes that took place 33 years ago within the context of the civil war. Water protectors in El Salvador say these arrests are politically motivated and a strategy to demobilize strong community opposition to mining at this critical moment.

Join the global movement for the release of 5 Santa Marta Water Defenders and to protect El Salvador’s Peace Agreement!

Event endorsed by:

Americas Policy Group/Groupe d’orientation politique pour les Amériques
The United Church of Canada
MiningWatch Canada
PSAC Social Justice Fund / Fonds de justice sociale de l’AFPC
CoDevelopment Canada
International Allies Against Mining in El Salvador

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Weaving Hope, Building Peace, Seeking Justice in Colombia with Berenice Celeita
4:00 p.m.16:00

Weaving Hope, Building Peace, Seeking Justice in Colombia with Berenice Celeita

Colombia is at a crossroads as a reform government seeks to act on the recommendations of the 2022 Truth Commission and the 2016 Peace Accords. Colombia remains the most dangerous country in the world to defend land and the environment. Berenice Celeita and her association NOMADESC have a long history of courageous work with Afro-Colombian, Indigenous, trade union and women’s collectives. Recognized with the Robert F Kennedy Human Rights Award in 1998, Berenice coordinates the Peoples ’ Intercultural University and the Round Table for Human Rights, Guarantees and Protection in Buenaventura.


Weaving Hope, Building Peace, Seeking Justice in Colombia: A Conversation with Berenice Celeita

When: Monday, October 30 at 7 pm (EST)

Where: Amnesty International Canada National Office - 312 Laurier Ave E, Ottawa

Unable to attend in person? Register to join online by clicking here.

This event is free and wheelchair accessible.

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CoDev's 2023 Annual General Meeting
6:00 p.m.18:00

CoDev's 2023 Annual General Meeting


Meet our staff, and learn about the successes and challenges facing our partners in Latin America.

This year’s AGM will be in person at CUPE BC: 410-6222 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC

The AGM will also be remotely accessible on Zoom: Register Here

Stay tuned for more details including registration, voting information and documentation.

CoDev members will be asked to elect new and returning board members, approve the 2022-2023 fiscal audited financial statements, and appoint auditors for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.

If you would like to become a member, or renew your membership so that you can cast your vote: you can do so here.

The nomination period for open seats on the board has closed – thank you to all those who have applied.

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Labour Day Celebration at Edmonds Park
11:30 a.m.11:30

Labour Day Celebration at Edmonds Park

Join us on Labour Day – September 4th @ 11:30 am – Edmonds Park, Burnaby!!

Hosted by the Vancouver & District Labour Council and the New Westminster & District Labour Council.

There will be exciting speakers (starting at 11:30am), bouncy castles, games and entertainment for kids, live music, food, union and community organization booths, and more!

Speakers will include:

  • Sam & Les George

  • NWDLC President Louella Vincent

  • VDLC President Stephen von Sychowski

  • Mayor of Burnaby Mike Hurley

  • Premier David Eby

  • BC Federation of Labour President Sussanne Skidmore

  • Member of Parliament Peter Julian

  • Canadian Labour Congress Executive Vice President Siobhán Vipond.

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5:00 p.m.17:00

Annual Fundraising Dinner 2023

CoDevelopment Canada invites you to join us on Saturday, June 3, 2023 for CoDev’s Annual Solidarity and Fundraising Dinner at the Maritime Labour Centre. Stand with us as we celebrate 38 years of building partnerships between like-minded organizations in Canada and Latin America; partnerships that foster learning, social change, and community empowerment.

The event will take place at the Maritime Labour Centre with doors opening at 5:30pm. We are offering a selection of delicious Latin American food, our popular silent auction, beautiful Latin jazz and the always delectable dessert auction.

CoDev’s Annual Solidarity Dinner has earned a reputation as an evening where you can enjoy the company of good friends and have fun while supporting an important local solidarity organization.

We are honoured to work with our partners, donors and members, and hope that we can count on your continued support. Tables of ten guests are $950.00 each and individual tickets are $100.00, with a discounted ticket price for those on fixed incomes. You can purchase your tickets or a table for ten online right here.

We look forward to seeing you at the fundraising dinner and celebrating continued solidarity with Latin America.

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CoDev's 2022 Annual General Meeting
6:00 p.m.18:00

CoDev's 2022 Annual General Meeting


Meet our staff, and learn about the successes and challenges facing our partners in Latin America.

This year CoDev will once again hold our AGM on Zoom in order for our partners in Eastern Canada to join and hear about our partners and a special guest speaker

Stay tuned for more details including registration, voting information and documentation.

CoDev members will be asked to elect new and returning board members, approve the 2021-2022 fiscal audited financial statements, appoint the auditors for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, and approve a change to one of CoDev’s by-laws.

So you want to run for CoDev's Board ?

If you have been a member for 60+ days you are eligible to join the CoDev Board of Directors. You can express your candidacy by submitting the application for the board.

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Labour Day at Trout Lake Park
12:00 p.m.12:00

Labour Day at Trout Lake Park

Canada’s labour movement works hard to make life better for workers and their families, and to help communities across the country. The time is now to create a better future.

We need green jobs, a stronger social safety, more affordable housing – and that’s just the beginning.

Join us on for Labour Day – September 5th @ noon – Trout Lake Park, Vancouver.

This will be a free, fun, family-friendly event featuring live entertainment, children’s activities, food, and booths sponsored by a variety of labour and community organizations. There will also be a short rally with exciting guest speakers. All are welcome.

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Unifor Constitutional Convention 2022
to Aug 12

Unifor Constitutional Convention 2022

  • Metro Toronto Convention Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The 4th Unifor Constitutional Convention will be held from August 8-12, 2022 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The Convention will convene on Monday, August 8 at 9:00 a.m. in Exhibit Hall A & B on the 300 level of the Convention Centre.

This Convention will be a turning point for our union: one where we will gather and set a course for the future of our union. We have much to debate, much to reflect on, much to mourn, and much to celebrate.

Certain Industry Council meetings scheduled in conjunction with the Convention will be held on Saturday, August 6 and Sunday, August 7. You will receive additional information from your respective Industry Council executives in the coming months.

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