Colombia — Urgent Actions — CoDevelopment Canada

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Urgent Action: Abducted Afro-Colombian Activists

CoDevelopment Canada is deeply concerned about the forced disappearance on November 28 of two Afro-Colombian community representatives who work closely with our partner NOMADESC in Colombia.

Abencio Caicedo and Edinson Valencia have been missing since November 28 when they left their homes in the community of Yurumanguí in Buenaventura, southwestern Colombia. Caicedo is a member of the village council, while Valencia is a representative of APONURY, an Afro-Colombian rights organization active in communities along the Yurumanguí river. Both also work with the local Committee for Collective Reparations, seeking redress for communities affected by Colombia’s armed conflict.

NOMADESC provides human rights accompaniment and training for communities in the region affected by violence.

In Buenaventura, Colombia’s principal Pacific port, violence has increased over the past decade as communities are displaced by port expansion, and drug cartels battle for control of a lucrative export route.

While it is still not known who abducted the two activists, the Colombian Truth Commission believes it may be related to their work against the port expansion, illegal mining and drug cultivation in the region.

Please join us in calling on Colombia authorities to do all they can to ensure that Abencio Caicedo and Edinson Valencia are released alive.



Urgent Action: Threats Against NOMADESC Members

CoDevelopment Canada is concerned by escalating threats and surveillance against Colombian partner NOMADESC during the past month.

NOMADESC, a Cali-based Human Rights organization that accompanies labour, afro-Colombian, indigenous and campesino organizations in southwestern Colombia, has provided legal advice and support for families of people killed, disappeared or detained by security forces during the national general strike that began in late April this year.

Since that time NOMADESC and its personnel are subject to a series of acts of intimidation and illegal surveillance that has escalated since late October.  We are concerned that this act put both NOMADESC’s personnel and the population they serve at greater risk.

Please join us in writing to Colombian President Ivan Duque and Attorney General Francisco Barbosa, calling on Colombian authorities to ensure the safety of NOMADESC personnel and to investigate police involvement in illegal surveillance of the organization.



Urgent Action: Colombia, Abuse of Force Against Protestors


March 28, 2019. Since March 10, thousands of indigenous people in Southwestern Colombia have mobilized in a Minga (community social mobilization) for “Life, Defense of the Territories and Peace.” The communities involved are demanding that President Ivan Duque make good on previous commitments around human rights, development, and the reigning-in of violence against community activists in the region. To date, the government response has been massive and ongoing repression of the Minga by the army and police.

En Minga - La Paz.jpg

CoDevelopment’s partner in Colombia – NOMADESC (Association for Research and Social Action) is appealing to supporters to urge President Ivan Duque Marquez to stop military-style actions against the Minga, and comply with human rights standards that the Colombian State has committed to uphold in international treaties.

NOMADESC and other human rights observers say both the Colombian army and specialized police have used the following tactics against communities involved in the protests:  Overflights of drones and helicopters, stun grenades and tear gas bombs; shootings with live ammunition, as well as burning the camps of the Minga participants.

The militarization of the territories where the Minga is taking place violates international human rights agreements of which the Colombian State is a signatory.  We encourage CoDev’s Canadian partners, members and supporters to take action on these events in Colombia.

Please add your voice by sending a message calling on Colombian President Ivan Duque:

  • To stop employing military action as a response to community social demands.

  • To make public the government’s human rights policy regarding Afro and Indigenous communities’ rights in accordance with the current human rights crisis.

  • To investigate and identify those government officials responsible for the abuse of force against community members in the repression of the

You can also let NOMADESC and Minga participants know they are not alone by sending messages and photos of solidarity with the MINGA and human rights defenders.

Via Facebook to: Nomadesc: @AsociacionNomadesc Indigenous Regional Council from El Cauca: @cric.cauca

Use these hashtags: #SOSColombia #MngaSurOccidente2019 #DuqueVengaAlCauca #EnMingaPorElTerritorio #NacionParaLaVida #PoderParaLaGente #VamosAlParoNacional

Via Twitter: Nomadesc: @Nomadesc Indigenous Regional Council from El Cauca: @CRIC_Cauca

Use these hashtags:  #SumateALaMinga  #MingaCRIC  #MingaSocialSuroccidente  #MingaCRIDEC #MingaCRIHU
