CoDevelopment Canada

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CoDev’s Spotlight Webinar Series


As with all organizations when the COVID pandemic hit, CoDev was compelled to find new ways of connecting with donors; new ways of informing, and new ways of fundraising. How could we keep the notion of SOLIDARITY alive in the hearts and minds of our supporters? With the increased efficiency of online conferencing platforms, CoDev created a series of virtual webinars. We could invite people from around the world to join us as we interacted with our Latin American partners about the issues facing the communities they serve. For the first time, we were able to connect our partners with our donors in a much bigger way. They could meet “face to face”, ask questions and respond in real-time. Discussions were lively and the questions were thought-provoking and engaging. Before COVID, if a Latin American partner came to visit, it was usually just from a single organization, and interaction with donors was minimal. The advent of online “meetings’ was a game-changer.

As our experience with hosting these live events grew, we realized that we could not only raise much-needed funds which replaced some of our in-person event fundraising but, we could also introduce participants to so much more than could be conveyed in a blog post or newsletter. The inclusion of cultural components from the featured country - music and dance, poetry, etc. inspired participants to enjoy a more fulsome view of that country, beyond social issues and challenges.

These webinars have been a huge success for CoDev. We have raised much-needed funds and, brought together solidarity activists from many countries who have shared common experiences and goals. We have no plans for stopping the webinars, even though live events will resume this coming year. They have become an important bridge between partners and donors.

To date, we have hosted the following webinars which included a free opportunity as well:

To learn more about our Latin American Partners and their work, please follow this link.